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Smart IPTV app for Samsung smart TV - MatusBankovic.com
Categories: Samsung Smart TV

Smart IPTV app for Samsung smart TV

Recently I was looking for a way to play IPTV streams on a Samsung smart TV. This can be accomplished by

Smart IPTV app for samsung smart TV

Information  from the creator of this app http://siptv.eu/faq/sammy/


Works only on TVs starting from series ES. Doesn’t work on series C or D. It can be downloaded to your TV via Samsung’s smart hub in the Category – Lifestyle.

The app provides a trial period to test it for free. After the testing period is over, the app will ask you for the activation.

It is a one time donation of at least 5.49 Euros. The application itself does not contain a playlist. How to activate samsung smart iptv app.


Custom playlist or custom url to an online stored playlist can be added via http://siptv.eu/mylist/ . For that purpose the MAC Address of the TV is needed.

This information about the MAC address is provided in the app directly.

What I liked when creating a playlist are EPG codes. When using them in your playlist logos of the TV channels will display.

IPTV Sources

If your ISP is providing IPTV via multicast streams you can use them in this app.

IPTV streams which can be used in a custom m3u playlist can be found by searching for keywords like iptv, m3u, HD, specific channel name etc. on google or following sites:





Advanced nethods for searching IPTV streams

how find iptv streams

It is also  possible to find streams on your mobile phone with the app Live Media Player which is available for:

Android: http://store.mdcgate.com/products.php?productId=18

IOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/live-media-player-best-live/id757791253?mt=8

Those streams can be tested with VLC.


Alternative free app for samsung smart tv is called Simple Smart IPTV in short SS IPTV or take a look on other custom smart tv apps.


View Comments

  • I want to install smart iptv app on my samsung tv with the model # [TV]UE40D8000, can you pls show me how to do it or is there any other way to install it

    • Nemam moznost to vyskusat a v popise tvorcu appky bluray nie je uvedeny.

      Ak bluray bd-h6500 obsahuje smart hub a nachadza sa v sekcii lifestyle tak ano.

      Ak sa v menu nenachadza siel by som podla tohto postupu kde sa prihlasis pod develop kontom a IP adresu zadas: podobny postup ako v nasledujucom navode ale zadas vyssie uvedenu IP http://youtu.be/e6wQDlTJ7Bs

      Prosim o info ci to fungovalo. Vdaka

  • Ahoj na mojej rade D som skusal ale nic.nstreamlmod.folkplayer.netplayer v ohode ale smart iptv nie a isiel som aj cez tu ip co si mi dal uz skor.tak by sim chcel ci h6500 blu ray ale tiez to nemam jak skusit.skusal som zmenit aj krajnu ale nic.tak som chcel jak nahradu za moju telku h6500.viem ze tu stiahnem lmod a pod.

    • Trosku sme sa zamotali :). Cize mas telku - seriu D.Bohuzial nepodporuje smart iptv appku. (Important! Works only on TVs starting from series ES. Doesn't work on series C or D.)

      Alternativa k smart iptv appke ktoru mozes vyskusat na D serii je SS IPTV (Zadarmo).

      Navod z odkazu:

      Install SS IPTV on Samsung Smart TVs of E series
      Press SMART TV button on your RC.
      Press red (A) button to enter in account
      Create account with login develop and any 6-digit pass
      Press red (A) button again end enter, using just created develop account
      Press on your RC blue (B) button if you have D Series TV or Tools button if you have E Series TV
      Select Settings-> Development -> Setting Server IP
      In menu appeared enter
      Chooske User Application Synchronization.
      SS IPTV should appear in apps' list when the installation is finished

  • Jedine este SS IPTV vyskusat navrhujem, ktory som spomenul. Dakujem napodobne prajem pekny Silvester.

  • ahoj Matus vsetko som nainstaloval ssiptv aj playlist mam len nemozem najst kde to zaplatit dik marcel

    • Ahoj Marcel ssiptv je zdarma.Akurat playlist je potrebne si sam vytvorit. Ak mas providera ktory vysiela iptv vies si spravit playlist s pomocou VLC napr.

  • Zdravim, je mozne tuto ss iptv spustit i na androidu? Napr. jako doplnek v kodi nebo samostatnou v amazon fire tv android boxu? Nemam totiz samsung telku

    • Ahoj, ss iptv bolo navrhnute pre samsung telku.Pre Kodi jestvuje napr. Simple IPTV client. Na youtube najdes instruktazne videa. Pekny den prajem.

  • Zdravim, pri pouziti playlistu vygenerovaneho DVBLinkom hraju len FTA stanice. Je nejaka sanca rozchodit aj PayTV stanice?

    • Zdravim, nemam skusenost ako rozchodit PayTV stanice. Skusal som hladat na nete ci to niekto riesil ale neuspesne.

      • Tiez som marne hladal.... Ale zaujimave je, ze VLC to vo windowsoch prehra v pohode.... Skoda, ze to Smart IPTV nedokaze.... kazdopadne diky za odpoved

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